At its very core, Dojo was not set up for profit, it was built for community: a place of collaboration for conscious co-workers that believe in work-life balance, shared knowledge, productivity and positive social and environmental change.
Long before its doors opened, the only concept that motivated founder, Michael Craig, was one of community. And beyond creating a community for digital nomads, entrepreneurs, expats etc. to thrive, Michael’s vision has always been to focus on co-giving and supporting local community projects committed to positive social change in Bali, Indonesia, and beyond.
Many members — both past and present — are actively involved in the community projects Dojo currently supports. You will find them on the board of legends in the reception area.
Below, you will find a list of the social impact projects currently supported.
Merah, Putih, Hijau (MPH)
MPH is Bali’s first green village project which works with the local community of Pereranan to help build infrastructure and a color-coded waste separation strategy. Together with the village of Pererenan behind them, MPH is building a recycling and composting facility, and a framework that can be replicated across other villages throughout Bali with the objective being to eliminate the Islands pollution problem.
Learn more about MPH here.
Bye Bye Plastic Bags
Bye Bye Plastic Bags is a social initiative driven by children to get the people of Bali to say no to plastic bags. Founders and sisters, Melati (15) and Isabel (13) Wijsen started Bye Bye Plastic Bags 3 years ago when they were inspired by a lesson in class about significant people like Nelson Mandela, Lady Diana, Mahatma Gandhi. They went home that day and thought “What can we do as children living in Bali, what can we do NOW.” Bye Bye Plastic Bags was born in 2013 and now has a volunteer team of 25-30 students from all schools around Bali, local and international. And has become a well known international movement of inspiration, youth empowerment, and of course, saying no to plastic bags.
Learn more about Bye Bye Plastic Bags here.
Stella’s Child
Stella’s Child is another incredible project which runs three interconnected programs with the focus on entrepreneurship, all of which are united by the end goal of supporting disadvantaged youths through education so they can secure gainful employment while breaking the vicious cycle of poverty.
Learn more about Stella’s Child here.
Five Pillar Foundation
A community development organization and social enterprise which aims to develop the full potential of villages and communities using an integrated approach that considers the five pillars of economic, social, environmental, educational, and cultural development.
Learn more about Five Pillar Foundation here.
Harapan Project
Harapan Project is an NGO committed to helping the most vulnerable and fragile people and communities of Indonesia by providing them with the basics such as food and water and helping in areas of health, education, and infrastructure.
Learn more about Harapan Project here.

These incredible projects have all been set up by truly selfless individuals going out of their way to make the world a better place, and not just putting a fancy spin on it like they do in Silicon Valley.
These organizations and the communities they are working to improve need your help. There are many ways in which you can contribute, from a donation to offering your skills and some of your time.
You can join the Dojo Facebook Co-Giving Community here, or speak to Yudistira Putra, the community manager for Dojo’s co-giving efforts for more information on how to get involved.