Dojo Bali has seen many companies created under it’s roof; from UX design sites to software development companies, there’s nothing that can’t be built from the creative minds that call Dojo home. White Light Digital Marketing is no exception. This is the story of me, Viola Eva, and my business partner Brie Moreau. We founded and grew an agency from $0 in revenue to $250,000 USD in revenue in under one year, from within the walls of Dojo Bali.
In 2017, Brie and I:
- Worked with over 50 clients
- Gave over 30 workshops at co-working spaces teaching SEO and ‘how to grow a 6 figure business in 1 year’ on 3 continents – North America, Asia and Europe
- Founded and successfully ran a digital marketing conference for 250+ people
- Grew their agency from 0 to 2 to 10 employees
- Created a business with 0 revenue to over 250k in revenue
Here is our journey:
Brie Moreau and I were both seeking different career moves when our paths crossed at Dojo Bali.
Brie, formally working as an SEO consultant and analyst in Australia, moved to Bali to escape the winter season. Once he recognized his ability to do the same work but better, on his own, he quit his job in Melbourne and started experimenting with his own SEO and digital marketing agency.
One of the most amazing qualities about Dojo are the community events that are hosted nearly every day at the co-working space. Events range from presentation-style talks, masterminds and workshops to social and philanthropic events. It was at one of these events that Brie and I met.
I am a self-proclaimed “digital-slut” and, at this same time, was in a rut, working at various start-ups in Germany. At some point I decided I needed a change and started exploring the world, making it to South America, Thailand and, finally, landed in Bali.
I was born and raised in Germany, the professional environment – and weather – really impacted my life prevented me from achieving the peak performance mindset I knew I was capable of.
In Bali, I still felt lost but was more open to a new experience and new professional direction then ever before. I believe it was because of this magical island, Dojo’s inspiration and Brie’s genius that I was finally ready to create what would ultimately fulfill me.
While sitting in on one of Brie’s SEO talks at Dojo, I was drawn to his entrepreneurial spirit and drive to also be location-independent. Following the talk, I approached Brie and we instantly recognized our connection would benefit us both, mentally and professionally.
Born through collaboration & skill share
After hours of brainstorming sessions, trial and error and many (healthy) arguments, White Light Digital Marketing was born. Appropriately abbreviated WLDM, Brie and I sought to manifest the communal environment, collaborative skill-sharing and modern professional atmosphere that Michael and the entire Dojo Bali team had created.
Where Brie brought ten plus years of SEO and digital marketing experience, I brought the team management and organizational skills needed to drive a business to success. Together, we encouraged each other to pursue and design something incredible. The desire to share and learn from one another was magnetic; truly a dream team.
Eventually, we grew to adapt to one another’s best skills, Brie learning to manage a team and Viola now “lives and breaths digital marketing”.
The next year was a wild journey of ups and downs, hires and fires and more trial and error. WLDM company currently specializes in increasing website traffic, revenue and conversion rates for a host of international clients. Managing 20+ clients at any one time, we have built a name for ourselves in SEO and digital marketing communities, particularly in Southeast Asia and Australia.
In one year, WLDM went through dozens of employees, gave more than 30+ practical workshops across multiple countries and founded one of the most influential, informative and unique digital marketing conferences, DMSS.
DMSS – Digital Marketing Skill Share – is the first digital marketing conference of it’s kind in Southeast Asia and is quickly becoming one of the largest and most innovative conferences in the world. DMSS was one of our favourite parts of 2017 and a lovechild that was truly a great combination of both of our strengths and visions.
The yearly conference, hosted in Bali by WLDM and Dojo, brings together the best marketing, nomadic, entrepreneurial and other professionals to share skills and learn in a unique environment. This year is going to be even more epic.
So, what do you get when you cross two professionals from opposite corners of the world, with vastly different skills but the same desire to have a more fulfilling, enlightened career + the energy and atmosphere of Dojo Bali?
You get WLDM, a badass, next-level digital marketing agency and DMSS, the most powerful and unique digital marketing event there is.
My main learning on that journey?
- Focus on the profit centers of your business first. Sales and operations that is. Marketing, admin and finance can follow once you have the first few clients – and the cash flow to afford them ;).
- Learn to love the process of selling. Learn to enjoy talking about your business, your services, your pricing and the ROI you are providing. Your time and money is well spent with a person/coach/mentor that loves sales and that can teach you the art of building relationships.
- Your ultimate measure of success will be client happiness. Happy clients mean recurring work, referrals and new projects. Every week, we ask ourselves: “Did we do our work?” and “How happy is the client on a scale from zero to ten?” And we work every day in improving our relationship with the client by making their life easier with our services.
- Focus on what you are best at. Specify your services. Sell those that you can execute fast, efficient and well.
Silicon Valley, Bali edition
Brie and our team are just one example of success born right under Dojo’s roof. Our story is proof of what can happen when you reinvent yourself and transcend the limitations you believe to be holding you back.
This, Dojo, is Silicon Valley, Bali edition. A continually growing hub of digital nomads, entrepreneurs and modern online professionals, seeking a more elevated existence. We learn and grow, we share and expand our minds and bodies under Dojo’s roof, together.