Stella’s Child is another incredible community social project to which many Dojo members volunteer both their time and skills to educate and help prepare disadvantaged children for a life away from poverty.
Stella’s Child runs three interconnected programs with the focus on entrepreneurship, all of which are united by the end goal of supporting disadvantaged youths through education so they can secure gainful employment while breaking the vicious cycle of poverty. Founded in 2013 by Timothy Cameron, Stella’s Child is an entrepreneurship program which promotes the delivery of education, life-skills, and wellbeing initiatives to underprivileged children. It exists solely to support Indonesian youths from deeply disadvantaged backgrounds as they prepare to leave children’s homes and orphanages to enter the world of work.

“Many of these children that join the program will go on to achieve great things”
Most children from Bali’s orphanages, unfortunately, without the proper education or life skills required to gain fruitful employment are sent to work for next to nothing which only ensures the cycle of poverty continues. Many of these children, when presented with the opportunity to join the program will go on to achieve great things and live a life they may not have even dreamt of prior to entering the program.
Many of the children in Bali’s orphanages are often victims of violence or exploitation or have been either abandoned or given up by their parents who didn’t have the resources available to care for them. Therefore, they lack the confidence and like-skills required to live a basic, comfortable life which is something every one of us reading this most likely, take for granted.
Stella’s child currently partners with three orphanages throughout Bali. The children apply for different positions within the company, Love Our Earth, which Timothy set up to teach them the skills required to break the cycle of poverty. All profits and proceeds from Love Our Earth go directly to the children. They are taught real practical business skills by running the business along with guidance. And this is where mentors come in. Some of the skills the children are taught are;
- Confidence building
- English speaking
- Career guidance
- Entrepreneurship
- Communication skills
- Emotional well-being
- Computer skills
- Leadership skills
- Marketing
- Sales & Product Development
- Life skills

The children range in age from 11-19, and as a result of all they learn, they are much better equipped to break the cycle of poverty in which they grew up for both themselves and their family.
Participants are connected with highly skilled mentors and forward-thinking companies here in Bali – some of which you’ll frequent – on the lookout for talent while supporting this great cause. Mentors will usually meet with the kids once a week, and spend an hour or more teaching them practical skills which they can then apply to Love Our Earth. This can range from organizing and running a meeting, managing accounts, and delivering presentations as well as emotional wellbeing.
As a grassroots organization, the success of the program is completely dependent on the volunteers. The more volunteers and donations, the bigger the program can become, and the more children can be saved from a life of poverty. If you would like to become a volunteer and mentor the kids, please fill out the volunteer form found on this page.
These children need support to keep their dreams alive, and Stella’s Child needs your support to continue providing the programs which do just that. All donations – no matter how big or small – are greatly appreciated. You can learn more about how your donation can help make a difference and donate now by clicking here.