Today’s we are chatting with Danielle Thompson. Danielle has been running her successful design business, Studio Moku, for six years and traveling extensively for the last two years. She has also been involved in some really cool initiatives to empower disadvantaged people. Are you wondering how she manages to get all this done?
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Hi. I’m Danielle, I’m from Canada and I run a design studio called Moku.
(on screen) *Why did you come to Dojo Bali?*
Well, I actually ended up in Canggu by accident. So, I had met some friends in Nicaragua and I was in Thailand and they were like, we have a house in Canggu come live with us for the next four weeks. And four weeks kind of, turned into three months after I came to Dojo Bali.
(on screen) *What did you find at Dojo Bali?*
Yeah, so. I had been travelling and I had been meeting a lot of really cool people but not that many people who were actually helping me with my business and helping me with my work online. So, when I came to Dojo Bali I met all these amazing people who could actually help me and I could get-, like, there was so much exchange of knowledge and skill sharing and so, I had to stay here because I could feel my business growing, I could feel, like, more better like-, a better work-life balance. Um, I was just so much happier here than I was in a lot of other places
(on screen) *What is the very best thing about Dojo Bali?*
Well, I think Dojo Bali is amazing because of the community. So, there’s events that goes on here, there’s, uh, there’s barbeques. There’s, uh, you can go on trips for the weekend and things like that. And then it’s a great place to meet friends. So, the community is really what, kind of, keeps you. Um, it’s quite rare you have (laughter) a place with so many smart people in one but also in this amazing, beautiful setting. Uh, so I would say the community is the best thing about Dojo Bali.
(on screen) *What would you say to anyone thinking about coming to Dojo Bali?*
I would say, just come. It’s such an amazing place. You’ll meet people, if you’re coming alone don’t be worried, don’t be nervous, you’ll meet friends. If you’re coming with friends it’s just a wonderful place, it’s so welcoming. From the moment I stepped in here I felt, like, so welcomed and appreciated. It’s, it’s just a wonderful place so come through. Just, yeah, Bali is an amazing place. There’s a wonderful energy on this island that, you know, it’s, it’s, there’s a great balance between work and play here and I think that’s something that’s missing sometimes when you’re in these big cities. And, so, if you’re thinking about coming here you should definitely come check it out.
That-, these lights are so warm. (heavy gasping) I can’t breathe with all this attention.