Digital Nomads

Many digital nomads start out with this grand vision for a life in Bali or on the road surrounded by coconuts and palm trees, with little to no stress. The good life! On this page you will learn how it really is to be a digital nomad, what fears you have to deal with, what opportunities you have and how to drastically reduce stress. All from the perspectives of real digital nomads: honest, true and without make-up.
The Hippies of the XXI century: 5 stereotypes every digital nomad has to cope with

The Hippies of the XXI century: 5 stereotypes every digital nomad has to cope with

A laptop on the beach, pictures of exotic food and an infinite number of Facebook check-ins at airports around the world are probably among the top reasons why there are so many stereotypes surrounding the life of a digital nomad. Some see us as a bunch of hippies who lost their mind. The truth is, we are just an unusual group of people living outside the traditional roles, norms and jobs.
But what about all those things they say about us, are they true? We’ll find out together! Ladies and gentlemen, let me present the most common questions I’ve been asked since I left my “good” office job 2 years ago, reflecting the stereotypes around our lifestyle.

Flow – Mastering the Perfect Workday

Flow – Mastering the Perfect Workday

Modern nomads are self-starters and have the initiative to either run a business or work independently. This can be a blessing or a curse… but it comes with the challenges of working with zero structure. Some days you might feel like you didn’t quite own it… a magic ingredient was missing: flow. A master workday is all down to rhythm. There’s an upward synergy where one high is topped by another. We all know this feeling, but it can feel hit or miss. Here are Kerry’s tested recommendations to upcycle your workday.

What I wish I had known when I quit my job – Practical advice for becoming a digital nomad

What I wish I had known when I quit my job – Practical advice for becoming a digital nomad

My journey as a digital nomad started very abruptly: I was almost burned out in a job and city I hated, overworked with a salary that barely allowed me to pay my rent and all of this having a Master’s degree and speaking 5 languages. It took me almost 2 years, a lot of sleepless nights and anxieties, and various trials of new ventures to figure out my path. But now I’m really fulfilled and feel entitled to give you some advice: Here are Anna´s 7 lessons from her journey to becoming a digital nomad. 

3 simple yoga postures for digital nomads

3 simple yoga postures for digital nomads

The classic picture on the ‘gram accompanied by the envy-enducing hashtag #OOTD or office-of-the-day depicts the digital nomad lifestyle to be all beach and lifestyle nirvana. Yet if you’ve even managed to keep this lifestyle going long enough to make it more than a pipedream, you are probably aware that it easily involves hours hunched over a macbook. Here are three effective and simple yoga postures you can do whether on a beach chair or waiting for your next flight.

Are you ready to be a remote professional?

Are you ready to be a remote professional?

There is something about the combination of Bali + digital nomad + remote work that is making lots of blogs fight for position on Google’s first result page. However, it takes discipline to work from a different place than your usual desk. Add to that the fact you are in a new country, getting to know your surroundings. So it all comes to the question: are you ready to be a remote professional? 


Dojo Bali is a coworking space located on the beautiful island of Bali, Indonesia. Dojo Canggu is open 24/7 and located at Echo Beach, Canggu offering a collaborative and relaxing coworking environment. New locations are coming soon. Stay tuned to find out where the next Dojo will be set up.

Dojo Bali is a Registered Trademark and under license of PT Mintox, Indonesia
PT Dojo Bali Coworking Registration No: AHU-3570685.AH.01.11.TAHUN 2015
