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Member in the Spotlight: Meet Andrey

Member in the Spotlight: Meet Andrey

Andrey was a regular member at Dojo in 2017 and worked as a product manager and developer. Now he has quit his job a few months ago with the goal to earn  $1,000 / month (recurring) by shipping products. He gave himself one year to do so: Follow his crazy journey here. 

Tackling Imposter Syndrome

Tackling Imposter Syndrome

At some point, we’ve all doubted ourselves. It’s what makes us human by nature. Once you go down that path, it’s easy to convince yourself that you’re not good enough, smart enough – the list is endless. There’s a term for this. Impostor syndrome. A phenomenon that causes people to doubt their accomplishments and have consistent and internalized fears. In healthy doses, self-doubt protect you from bad news or negativity. But sometimes this results in your mind hindering you from growing. Sarah has experienced it herself. On her journey to find confidence in herself, she has collected some tools and techniques that have helped her to overcome self-doubts which she shares in the article below.

3 simple yoga postures for digital nomads

3 simple yoga postures for digital nomads

The classic picture on the ‘gram accompanied by the envy-enducing hashtag #OOTD or office-of-the-day depicts the digital nomad lifestyle to be all beach and lifestyle nirvana. Yet if you’ve even managed to keep this lifestyle going long enough to make it more than a pipedream, you are probably aware that it easily involves hours hunched over a macbook. Here are three effective and simple yoga postures you can do whether on a beach chair or waiting for your next flight.

Member in the Spotlight: Meet Andrew

Member in the Spotlight: Meet Andrew

Andrew owns a e-commerce shoestore. In this video he is talking about why he came to Bali, what he does, how his day at Dojo looks like and what he likes most about Dojo Coworking Space. Experience Dojo through the eyes of a digital nomad and member.


Dojo Bali is a coworking space located on the beautiful island of Bali, Indonesia. Dojo Canggu is open 24/7 and located at Echo Beach, Canggu offering a collaborative and relaxing coworking environment. New locations are coming soon. Stay tuned to find out where the next Dojo will be set up.

Dojo Bali is a Registered Trademark and under license of PT Mintox, Indonesia
PT Dojo Bali Coworking Registration No: AHU-3570685.AH.01.11.TAHUN 2015

